오케이미국 - 미국 정보 공유사이트

기타지역 | 코네티컽 바닷가 동네 방렌트 합니다

페이지 정보

작성자 JosephC 작성일22-08-04 07:55 댓글0건 조회5,803회


한인 민박, 월세방 또는 하숙 가능합니다.
방사진 및 상세정보는 아래 링크에 있습니다.

Looking to fill two bedrooms in a four-bedroom house on 1.8 acres in a quiet nice residential neighborhood in East Lyme, CT. Five minutes from beautiful beaches and parks. Three minutes from highway I-95.

House is 3000 sq ft in main and second floors with four bedrooms, 1200 sq ft basement and 2.5 bathrooms. Hardwood floors and open floor plan with living room (including fireplace), dining room and spacious kitchen, and a deck and patio. Common areas are furnished and have appliances including washer and dryer. Owner family live and maintain the house very clean. Large yard area with off street parking.

Looking for male or female with a job who is decently clean and tidy and doesn't smoke. Pets are not allowed. Preferred to wear indoor shoes in the house: no outdoor shoes in the rooms.

Rent for a furnished room is $1000/month with all utilities included (electricity, heat, water, internet, trash removal, lawn care, snow plowing). Require credit check fee ($50), first month rent ($1000) and one month security deposit ($1000) upon rental agreement. Move-in date is flexible. Both long-term and short-term leases are possible.


등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

방구해요/룸메이트/하숙민박/홈스테이 목록

Total 121건 2 페이지
방구해요/룸메이트/하숙민박/홈스테이 목록
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